gluten-free diet

Health Conditions That Can Benefit From A Gluten-Free Diet

While people who have celiac disease and gluten allergies eliminate gluten from their diet, there are also other health conditions that can benefit from a gluten-free diet. In fact, you may find that eating gluten-free is the answer for what’s ailing you.
One of the greatest benefits of eating a gluten-free diet can be lowering inflammation in the body. When you eliminate gluten, you eliminate a lot of processed foods such as cakes, cookies, and donuts.

Gluten Can Cause Inflammation

Gluten has been known to cause inflammation in many people. As a result, it can exacerbate conditions that cause chronic pain such as multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other auto-immune disorders. You’ll find that your symptoms may decrease from eating gluten-free. Our functional nutritionists in Tulsa, OK can advise you on the best gluten-free foods so that you don’t feel like you are missing out on any food groups in your diet.


Diabetes is another condition that often improves with a gluten-free diet. Foods that are high in gluten are also often high in simple carbohydrates. These foods tend to cause insulin and blood sugar levels to go haywire.
Many people who have irritable bowel syndrome find relief from eating a gluten-free diet. Gluten can cause problems such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, and cramping. You may find that by eliminating gluten you can eliminate many of these symptoms.

Lower Levels of Cholesterol

A gluten-free diet can also lead to lower levels of cholesterol and decreased risk of heart disease and stroke. You’ll be eliminating many unhealthy foods and focusing on adding healthful foods such as lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. We can focus on your personal nutrition goals during your consultation with our functional nutritionists in Tulsa, OK.
While many people avoid gluten because of an allergy or intolerance, the benefits of a gluten-free diet extend beyond that. There are many health conditions that can benefit from a gluten free diet and you’ll experience overall good health.

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