Symptoms Of Anxiety

Everybody experiences symptoms of anxiety from time to time.

Getting married, going to a job interview, and the loss of a loved one can all cause anxious feelings in all of us.

Then there are those of us who experience anxious feelings on a frequent or constant basis. There are also those of us whose anxiety negatively affects other areas of our lives.

There are a number of escalating anxiety symptoms that can accompany the various disorders that fall under the ‘anxiety’ label.

In fact, there are many different escalating symptoms of anxiety, and most of them can be confused as symptoms of something else because they share similar symptoms.

As functional medicine practitioners in Tulsa, OK, we know that this can make the diagnosis of anxiety quite difficult.

We get to the root cause of anxiety symptoms

We will get to the list of potential symptoms, but first, it’s important to remind you that you must always talk to your doctor about any health concerns or symptoms you are experiencing.

Here are some of the symptoms that may be related to anxiety:

  • fast breathing and fast heartbeat
  • sweating and dizziness
  • tingling
  • aching and feeling weak
  • headaches and nausea
  • chest pain
  • digestive problems
  • insomnia
  • a sore throat and difficulty swallowing.

Again, any of these could be symptoms of other major health problems, so don’t assume that they are caused by anxiety because they may be something different. Make an appointment with your doctor to find out for sure.

People with various anxiety disorders will often imagine worst-case scenarios, and these scenarios snowball very quickly.

Escalating symptoms of anxiety

Here’s an example of how it happens: Someone who is afraid of dogs is out for a walk and hears one barking in the distance. They then imagine that the dog gets loose and charges at them, but the snowballing isn’t done yet. Next, they picture the dog biting them bad enough to require medical treatment, and possibly rabies shots.

This is pretty bad, but they may take it even further and imagine themselves dying, and then how bad their death will affect their family.

All of this happens in a matter of moments and it all starts with the sound of a dog barking.

The above shows an example of escalating symptoms of anxiety from a mental point of view. It also gives the person who experiences this snowball effect a chance to get their anxiety under control by interrupting the pattern as soon as possible.

Instead of picturing a dog charging, the person can think of something else as soon as they hear the distant barking.

The sooner into the process the interruption occurs, the quicker the anxiety can be kept in check. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to interrupt or otherwise change the thought process.

Your anxiety can be treated

Whatever methods you choose to treat the escalating symptoms of anxiety, it’s important to realize that they can be treated. It may take a bit of trial and error and some practice to get it under control.

There is just one catch though: you need to take a step in the right direction. But even a small step will be well worth it when you can live your life normally. If your anxiety feels out of control, there’s a good chance our functional nutritionists in Tulsa, OK can help with a plan that’s personalized to you.


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